Some assorted personal projects

And also check out my resume

Full list can be found on my GitHub


A swiss army knife for C++

A project I started during second semester of freshman year to simplify compilation for grading homeworks. Given an entry file, analyzes #include statements to automatically find required sources. Also includes utility commands for automatically running the compiled executable, debugging, and running code coverage.


A collection of tools (including G--) for making CS at S&T easier

A collection of various projects written throughout the classes I have taken at S&T with the objective of filling vacancies in tooling, or improving upon UX of existing tools. Technologies used vary depending on the targetted environment, but mainly consist of SvelteUI for fullstack applications, and C++ for CLI applications.

More to come soon!

I do way too much of this for my own good...

I am constantly exploring new technologies and making projects to improve my skills!

Keep an eye on my pinned repos for stuff :D

More coming soon!

* Probably